A man sleeping with a CPAP machine to manage sleep apnea.

Technological Advances in the Treatment of Sleep Apnea

A common sleep disorder called sleep apnea can cause shallow or paused breathing while you’re asleep. These breathing pauses can cause restless nights, weariness during the day, and other health issues.

Therefore, you need to treat this condition at the right time and get a peaceful sleep. Fortunately, technological advancements have led to innovative treatment options that offer effective solutions for managing sleep apnea. Let us see how these solutions can improve your sleep quality.

Latest Technological Advances in the Treatment of Sleep Apnea 

First is CPAP therapy. It is a well-established treatment for sleep apnea that involves wearing a mask connected to a machine. It delivers a constant stream of air to keep the airway open during sleep. Recent technological advancements have led to the development of more comfortable and user-friendly CPAP devices. 

An alternative to CPAP is BiPAP (Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure). BiPAP therapy, also known as bilevel ventilation, delivers two different levels of air pressure: a higher pressure during inhalation and a lower pressure during exhalation. 

This advanced form of positive airway pressure therapy is beneficial for patients who may have difficulty tolerating the constant pressure of CPAP therapy. 

Moreover, wearable sleep trackers, such as smartwatches and fitness bands, have also gained popularity for their ability to monitor various aspects of sleep. They can track your sleep duration and patterns of breathing. 

These devices often use sensors to detect changes in movement and heart rate. They can indicate periods of interrupted breathing characteristic of sleep apnea. They will help you understand sleep patterns and identify potential signs of sleep apnea.

Oral appliances are also custom-made devices. You can wear them in the mouth during sleep to reposition the jaw and tongue. They can prevent airway obstruction. Recent technological advancements in oral appliance therapy have led to the development of more comfortable and effective devices that can improve airflow and comfort.

Book Your Sleep Apnea Treatment in Houston, TX

Technological advancements in the treatment of sleep apnea have revolutionized the management of this common sleep disorder. The latest solutions offer several effective treatment options to improve sleep quality and overall health. If you suspect you have sleep apnea, call us at 713-828-8587 and schedule an appointment with Dr. Hans Schleicher.

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