Snoring affects both men and women, but noticeably, men tend to be louder. Snoring tends to develop stronger with age, weight gain, lack of exercise, and diet. While the problem generally is disturbing your partner during the night, snoring can also be a sign of a serious health risk, such as sleep apnea. Sleep apnea can develop based on other health risks, such as obesity.
A Serious Airway Blockage While Sleeping
During an unconscious state, the lower brain processes take over and regulate the body’s breathing. However, this only controls the function of the heart, lungs, and circulatory system. If the nose is blocked, then the body will try to breathe through the mouth. When there is too much tissue or mucus in the way, a blockage occurs only forced by an increased inhalation. That, in turn, finally allows air and creates a loud noise.
Snoring’s Health Ramifications
Weight gain and obesity have long been associated with increasing the risk of sleep apnea, particularly in how body fat in the airway surroundings contributes to tighter channels and less free flow of breathing. In terms of snoring’s contribution to weight gain, however, much of the relationship is associated with poor sleep. When the body can’t recover well, stress and daily damage add up. Without exercise, poor recovery ends up making it harder for the body to work, adding to exhaustion, which in turn adds to weight gain. It becomes a vicious cycle of contributory factors adding to obesity.
Positive Air Pressure
One of the most effective treatments for snoring tends to be positive air pressure delivered via a respiratory machine while sleeping. Better known as a CPAP, these machines can provide both regular air pressure and air with humidity.
The patient is evaluated and diagnosed, and then a CPAP machine is assigned as medical equipment, typically replaced every two years, along with more frequent supplies of a mask and hosing. Many patients note that they sleep better, feel better when waking, and they are reducing their choking risk at night when asleep.
Consider a Sleep Evaluation
If you’re in or near Houston, TX, and want to consider a CPAP for better sleep; Contact the office of Dr. Hans Schleicher today for more information and a sleep exam. Call our team at 713-828-8587 or fill out our contact form here.